miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011

Come and see how Genaker can

add value to your company!

Mobile World Congress 2011

(Newsletter Jan 25, 2011) Genaker’s team will be glad to meet you in its booth, in the Spanish Pavilion.
As in previous years we will be located in Hall 3, Courtyard (see map). This year we are
proud to highlight our Rich Communications Suite (RCS), Mobile Resource 
Management (MRM) and R&D Solutions.
Rich Communication Suite clients: Available for BlackBerry®, iPhone® and
Java® devices. Genaker will launch the world’s first commercial RCS project
with a major worldwide operator. More details soon.
Serviassistant: The only “mobile device & carrier agnostic” MRM solution integrating GPS
location, Task Management and Group Communications into a single application. Deployed around a PC
Dispatcher with unique high voice quality available for BlackBerry®, Windows Mobile®, iPhone®
and Nokia® devices.

R&D Solutions: Multi-platform tailor-made projects according to your needs . Our  team of 
international experts will  deliver the best solution for you and ensure a seamless integration  based
on its multidisciplinary knowledge and customer oriented attitude.

Don’t miss our latest achievements. Feel free to contact us and schedule a meeting.


Delivering eLearning solutions for emerging countries
Genaker and a Tier-1 multinational Operator are developing an e-Learning project to leverage
mobile phones as an educational accelerator for emerging countries. Given scarce availability of ICT infrastructure in rural areas, mobile devices are broadly used in developing countries worldwide.

Leveraging them as a way topromote student participation and involvement in learning activities will help improve attendance rate andcompletion of education activities.
With this Project we are happy to humbly help spread Education worldwide, as the best way to contribute to increasing the wealth level in the mid to long term.

Agenda 14-17 February (Barcelona)
Barcelona Mobile World Congress
15-16 March (Munich)
3G, HSPA+ & LTE Optimisation
22-23 June (London)
Global Messaging Congress

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